Friday, August 26, 2011

Stop Bullying Today!

Have You ever been called "fat, ugly, unwanted, not normal, not talented." or even more hurtful names?  Were you ever bullied at school? Do you even feel safe at home anymore? Have you went on the computer and feel like that girl in the picture below? Well than that means you are being Cyber bullied. 

Cyber Bullying happens to a lot of kids worldwide so you are not alone. In a recent study it says that 77% of kids have been bullied before. When you are getting cyber bullied don't write back to them. It will only get worse. The best way to handle cyber bullying is to always stay positive don't go down to the bully's level. Do you go on social networking sites like Twitter or Facebook? A lot of teens and kids actually get cyber bullied on facebook. The best way to handle that is first tell your parents and delete your account. Never give out personal infomation over the internet either. On twitter and facebook there are robbers, kidnappers, hackers and even more. Never even give out your phone number address and other personal information to strangers you don't know.

And if you ever been cyber bullied. Remember You are not doing anything wrong.
You are beautiful.  They are just people trying to bring you down. Just hold your head up high and stay positive.   STOP BULLYING TODAY! :) Let's make this world a better place! Always stay & think Positive never be negative :)

Spread The Love. Never Spread Hate <3

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