Friday, November 25, 2011

Interview With Michelle Maniscalco

 Michelle Maniscalc

o Interview

She is  The choreographer for a #boogie Music Video! I got the time to Interview her so Here it Is!
 Question 1: How did you make up the Choreography for ?
1.To make up the choreography I would listen to the song on repeat before bed and when I woke up in the morning. I would close my eyes and visualize what was going on in the scene. Once I saw something in my vision that I liked I would build on that. So the First step was laying the foundation. Then the next step was getting into a studio with my assistants to start laying out the choreography and seeing what worked and what didn't . It's fun to see the visions in your head come to life and become a reality!
Question #2: Is  like any other Music video?
2. The thing I like about Boogie is its story line is based on Fantasy vs. Reality. This concept gives Mandy's fans a positive message to Go For Their Dreams! It sends the message, If you can Imagine it and See it and Work hard towards accomplishing what you want the sky is the limit!
Question #3: Was it fun shooting the music Video!? 
3.It was a blast shooting The Boogie Music video!! Everyone was so positive and everyone worked really hard at their appointed job. Mandy's whole team was there too support her and her family was right there by her side! We made a long day feel like a short one because we all had such a good time together! The energy on the set was very uplifting and positive!
Question #4: Was it difficult to make the choreography fit the theme of the MV?
4. It wasn't hard coming up with the choreography for Boogie because the song is really good! You automatically want to get up and start dancing to it! It defiantly has a sing along/dance along kind of feel to it.
Question #5 : Do you  yourself? haha ! [:
5. Oh I definitely BoOGIe myself!!! EVERYDAY at that, it's what I love to do!! 

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